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Apply PR for Spouse in Singapore

Singapore PR Application for Spouse

Under the sponsorship scheme (Form 4SC), Singapore citizens or PRs can sponsor their foreign national spouse's PR application, including unmarried children under 21 born within a legal marriage or legally adopted. While eligibility does not guarantee approval, our team understands the evaluation process and can present a strong application highlighting your spouse's qualifications, contributions, and commitment to Singapore.

Obtaining Singapore PR is a necessary step for eventual citizenship. A1 Immigration specialises in assisting LTVP holders applying for PR in Singapore. We can guide you through the process, ensuring a smooth transition. With our expertise and personalised approach, we have helped numerous couples navigate the PR application process, ensuring a higher chance of approval. Our experienced professionals understand the intricacies of the application and provide comprehensive support to maximise your PR success. Partner with A1 Immigration to increase the chances of your spouse’s PR approval and achieve your long-term goals in Singapore.

Benefits of A1 Immigration PR Application Services For Spouse

At A1 Immigration Consultancy, we are committed to providing exceptional services to individuals seeking to apply for Permanent Residency (PR) in Singapore for their spouse. Our expertise, knowledge, and dedication to our clients set us apart. Here's an overview of the benefits you can expect when working with us:

1. Customised Strategies to Beat the Competition

In a competitive environment where only a limited number of PR statuses are granted each year, it is crucial to have the right strategies in place to stand out from the competition. At A1 Immigration, we understand the intricacies of the PR application process and leverage our expertise to create customised strategies tailored to your specific circumstances. With our guidance, you can increase your chances of beating the competition and achieving your goal of making your spouse a PR in Singapore.

2. Professional Advisory Based on Experience and Knowledge

With nearly 15 years of experience and knowledge in the PR and immigration field, we provide professional advice and strategies to our clients for their spouses. We believe in building trust and confidence by being transparent and honest about our processes. Our team stays up-to-date with the latest changes in laws and regulations pertaining to PR applications in Singapore. This enables us to provide you with accurate and timely advice, ensuring that you are well-informed and well-prepared throughout the application process.

3. Assistance with Essential Documents and Paperwork

Knowing the right documents to include in your spouse’s PR application can be overwhelming and time-consuming. It can also be disheartening to face rejection due to missing or incorrect paperwork. At A1 Immigration, we take the guesswork out of document preparation. Our team will guide you in curating the essential documents necessary to boost your application and increase your PR chances. By relying on our expertise, you can save time and effort, and have peace of mind knowing that your application is backed by the right documents.

Benefits of Applying for PR for Your Spouse Holding LTVP

Applying for Permanent Residency (PR) for your spouse who is holding a Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) in Singapore offers a range of benefits that can significantly improve your spouse's life and your family's overall well-being. Here are five key advantages of applying PR for your LTVP holder spouse:

1. Purchasing a Resale HDB Apartment

Buying affordable housing is a common goal for many PRs in Singapore. However, to purchase a resale Housing and Development Board (HDB) flat, a minimum of two Singapore permanent residents is required. If you are already a PR and your spouse is on an LTVP, you are unable to buy an HDB unit in the resale market. Therefore, you need to apply for PR for your spouse to fulfil your aspirations of homeownership.

2. Expanding Career Opportunities

Obtaining permanent residency in Singapore opens doors to a more promising career path. PRs enjoy the flexibility of changing jobs without the need for extensive paperwork typically required for work permit holders. LTVP pass holders, on the other hand, must go through a process to notify the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) about job changes. Additionally, some employers may hesitate to hire individuals on an LTVP. However, as Singapore PRs are considered part of the local workforce, they are readily accepted by employers. PRs also have access to job postings that are exclusively available to Singaporeans and PRs due to hiring restrictions. Applying and securing PR status for your spouse enables them to overcome these limitations and significantly enhances their career prospects.

3. CPF Access for Your Spouse

The Central Provident Fund (CPF) is a mandatory retirement fund in Singapore. Both employees and employers contribute a portion of the monthly salary to the CPF account, which serves as a financial resource for various needs such as medical care, housing, and retirement. However, while your spouse is on an LTVP, they do not have access to CPF benefits. This means that despite working in Singapore, your spouse cannot participate in the CPF scheme or receive interest from your CPF account. Only after your spouse applies for and achieves PR status can they open a CPF account and enjoy the associated benefits.

4. Extended Duration of Stay in Singapore

While a LTVP allows your spouse to stay in Singapore, its validity is limited to two years. By applying for PR, you provide your spouse with the opportunity to stay in Singapore for a longer duration. PR status grants your spouse the security and stability of residing in the country indefinitely, without the need for constant renewals or concerns about visa expirations.

5. Other Benefits

In addition to the aforementioned advantages, applying for PR also comes with a range of additional benefits for your spouse. These include access to subsidised medical facilities, eligibility for SkillsFuture courses, participation in government-funded training programs, consideration for local job fairs, and more. These perks contribute to an improved quality of life, personal growth, and professional development for your spouse.

Criteria to Apply for PR for Spouse in Singapore

To be eligible for a PR application for your spouse, the following criteria must be met:

1. Finances & Income

The applicant's successful career and financial stability greatly increase the chances of PR application approval. The ICA assesses the spouse's economic status and whether their income can support the household and contribute to societal taxes.

2. Educational Background

The reputation and economic impact of the applicant's qualifications and the institution they were obtained from are evaluated after applying for the PR status for your spouse.

3. Social Considerations

Social cohesion and integration into the local community are important. The ICA values individuals who add meaning to society. Family ties and the duration of your spouse’s stay and work in Singapore are evaluated after applying for PR.

4. Age of the Sponsor and the Spouse

The ICA carefully examines the age of the sponsor and spouse. Marrying at a natural age increases the likelihood of approval.

5. Duration of Marriage

Waiting for at least two years before applying for PR for your spouse is generally recommended. This allows the ICA to assess the stability and genuineness of the marital relationship.

6. Presence of Children

Having children born out of the union positively impacts the PR application of your spouse as it indicates a genuine relationship and family commitment.

Documents Required to Apply for PR for your Spouse in Singapore

When applying for PR for your spouse in Singapore, it is essential to gather the necessary documents to support the application. Here are the required documents for the PR application. Do note that all applicants must currently be LTVP holders.

For the Applicant:

  • Payslips for the last six months (if employed in Singapore)

  • Letter of employment mentioning the date of commencement, role in the company and monthly salary

  • Valid Business Registration Certificate from ACRA (if self-employed)

  • Company's Profit and Loss statement for the last twelve months (if self-employed)

  • Current LTVP pass

  • Copy of the passport biodata page

  • Recent passport-size photo

  • Educational Certificates

  • Educational Transcripts

  • Birth Certificate

For the Sponsor:


  • Payslips for the last six months (if employed in Singapore)

  • Letter of employment mentioning the date of commencement, role in the company and monthly salary

  • Valid Business Registration Certificate from ACRA (if self-employed)

  • Company's Profit and Loss statement for the last twelve months (if self-employed)

  • Notice of Assessment for Singapore Income Tax for the previous three years

  • A statement from the Central Provident Fund showing your monthly contributions for the last twelve months

  • Identity Card

  • Current Marriage certificate for the marriage with the applicant

How to Apply for PR for Your Spouse in Singapore

Applying for Permanent Residency (PR) for your spouse in Singapore is a structured and important process that requires careful attention to detail and the submission of the required documents. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to apply for PR for your spouse:

Step 1: Complete the Application Form

To initiate the PR application process for your spouse, you need to download the 4SC application form and the explanatory notes provided by the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA). The application form serves as a comprehensive record of the necessary information required for the PR application. It is crucial to fill out the application form accurately, ensuring that all details are correct, consistent, and complete. The form can be filled out offline and then submitted online once you have completed it and checked for any errors. Providing all the necessary information and ensuring consistency throughout the application and supporting documents is vital. Be sure not to leave out any important details that may be required.

Step 2: Prepare Documents

Gathering the required documents is an essential part of the PR application process. The application form and the explanatory notes provided by the ICA will list the specific documents required for both the applicant which is your spouse and you, the sponsor. 

The applicant (spouse), if employed in Singapore, should provide payslips for the last six months and a letter of employment stating details such as your date of commencement, role in the company, and monthly salary with your PR application form. For self-employed individuals, they will need to submit a valid Business Registration Certificate issued by ACRA (Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority) and the Profit and Loss statement of their company over the past twelve months. 

Additionally, include a copy of your spouse’s current Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) and the biodata page of their passport. Remember to include a recent passport-size photo that meets the specified requirements. Furthermore, include copies of their educational certificates and transcripts to showcase their qualifications. Finally, provide a copy of your birth certificate with the PR application form to establish their identity. 

As the sponsor, if you are employed, you should include payslips for the last six months and a letter of employment, specifying your date of commencement, role in the company, and monthly salary. For self-employed individuals, you will need to submit a valid Business Registration Certificate from ACRA (Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority) and the company's Profit and Loss statement for the last twelve months. 

Additionally, you should provide the Notice of Assessment for Singapore Income Tax for the previous three years, a statement from the Central Provident Fund (CPF) indicating your monthly contributions for the last twelve months, a copy of your Identity Card, and the current marriage certificate for your marriage with the applicant.

Ensure that you have high-quality and legible scans of all the necessary documents to apply for PR for your spouse. The documents should be smaller than 2 MB each and in either PDF or JPEG format. If any of the documents require translation, make sure they are properly attested by the country of origin and notarised by a notary public in Singapore or the country where they were issued. Translations produced in Singapore or the country where a notary public issued the documents are also acceptable.

Step 3: Online Submission

Once you have all the necessary documents ready, you can proceed with the online submission of the PR application form for your spouse. Log in to your valid SingPass Account, which is your electronic identification for submitting the application. The ICA's e-Service platform allows you to upload the completed application form and the supporting documents. It is crucial to review all the details you have provided during this process and ensure their accuracy. Additionally, you will be required to pay the application fee as instructed during the submission process. After submitting your application, you will receive an acknowledgement from the ICA. It is important to save this document, along with your completed application form and payment receipt, for future reference.

Step 4: Waiting for Feedback

The processing time for PR applications can vary, and it typically takes an average of four to six months for Singapore authorities to review the applications. However, it is important to note that the processing time is an estimate and can sometimes be shorter or longer, ranging from two to eighteen months. During the waiting period, it is crucial to keep your details up to date to ensure effective communication with the authorities. You can track the progress of your application online through the ICA's e-Service. The status of your application will change from “pending” to “approved” if your permanent residency application is successful. Conversely, if your application is unsuccessful, the status will be marked as “rejected.” Once your PR application for your spouse is approved, you will receive feedback and notification via mail.



“Been To Other Agency, But ONLY AIC Gave Me Warranty Till PR Approval!”

Rhatha Phongam

feedback-Rhatha Phongam.jpg

“Excellent Service & Cheapest In Singapore, I Recommend It!”

Ms. Chompoo


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Singapore PR Application 2023


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UNLESS Spouse is SC/PR/S Pass/Employment Pass

Frequently Asked Questions About PR Application For Spouse

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